If you’re planning for retirement, knowing the milestones is essential to avoiding taxes, penalties and missed opportunities.
Read MoreThe rules seem to change every year, so here are some common questions (and answers) relevant in 2024:
Read MoreMost people don’t realize that a married couple can earn up to $83k in qualified dividends without owing any federal income tax. Above that, they only pay 15% on the next $400k of income.
Read MoreSome people refer to retirement as re-wirement, a shift in focus to new passions
Read MoreKnowing it’s time to retire can be a challenge for most people. Questions abound: Am I able to work a couple more years? What will I do with my free time? How much income can I expect from my savings and social security?
Read MoreSaving for retirement is much different than planning for income during retirement. When you decide to stop working, replacing the certainty of a paycheck and other benefits can be a logistical and emotional challenge.
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