Charitable Giving & Philanthropy

Make An Impact

Through Charitable Giving

We’ve all heard it’s better to give than to receive, but did you know that giving is one of the most effective ways to build personal happiness? Thankfully, there are endless opportunities to give back in our community. With today’s new tools and resources, anyone can be a philanthropist. Learn more …


Charitable Giving

There are several ways you can maximize the impact of your giving, and we can answer your questions, such as:

  • What tax advantages are available for charitable giving?

  • How can I give stock or other assets to my favorite charity or nonprofit?

  • What’s a donor advised fund and how do I start one?

  • What’s the minimum balance for starting a donor-advised fund?

  • How do I set up my own non-profit 501(c)(3)?

  • What’s a charitable remainder fund and what are the benefits?

  • How do I leave a legacy with my investments?

  • How much can I deduct from my taxes by giving to charity?

  • How do I involve our children in our charitable discussions?

  • How do I start a family foundation?

Charitable giving is an important cornerstone of several people’s legacy projects.

If you would like to explore how to begin or update your own charitable causes, you can schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with us at (530) 487-1777, or schedule an appointment online.


Helpful Resources

Here are some related resources and downloads to help as you navigate your new financial situation.